
Monday, 30 November 2015

Google Expedition

It was a normal Tuesday morning for the senior students, but there was one difference. The bell rang and I ran to class. As I walked into the street I saw little cardboard boxes that were glasses. When Miss Hockley was finished doing the notices the year 8’s had to go to technology. Once the year 8’s left Mrs Tele’a had to explain to the year 7’s what the google expedition was, but first we had to get into our maori groups. Once we were in our groups and Mrs Tele’a was finished group tahi (1) went to maori with Miss Tito’s Group rua (2) went to do their literacy work and Groups toru (3) which is my group had to stay in the street with Mrs Tele’a and Mrs Clark’s son, Mr Clark.

Group 3 got to be first because our group was bigger than the others. Mr Clark let each of us get the glasses. We all had to make sure that we were being careful and holding them with 2 hands so that we didn’t break them. In the tiny cardboard box there was a phone which was connected to Mr Clark’s Iipad. Mr Clark’s ipad had different locations that we got to see. When the teachers had picked a place we then had to look through the glasses to see where we were. When you looked through the glasses you could see everything and it felt like you were actually in the place. In most of the places there were things that we had to spot like animals, insects and people. Whenever the teachers wanted to ask us questions or needed to talk to us they paused our screens so that it says “Paused by teacher” or “Waiting for teacher”.

We saw a lot of different places and learnt more things about different animals and insects. Before they changed the places, we had to wait for the teachers and answer questions about the insects. Some people tried to touch it but they remembered that it was only a picture. When group one came out of maori we had to go to Miss Foamatu and write about what we did in the street. Group two went to maori with Miss Tito and then it was group threes turn in the street with Mrs Tele'a and Mr Clark.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Finding a theme in the text


This week we have been learning about how to find a theme in the text. First we had to read the poem on the slide and find clues that lead us to the theme. Then we had to think about what the theme of the poem could be. When we found the theme we had to write down why we thought it was the theme. I think the theme of this poem is good can come from bad or A cheerful attitude can overcome obstacles. I thought this because the speaker was sad at the start and happy on the last part.

Monday, 19 October 2015

The Secret Underground

For literacy we started this presentation that is about the secret underground. The secret underground text is about the different animals that live underground. Its about how to a use to there surrounding and to there envoiriment.

Immersion Assembly

Monday was the first day of term 4. In the morning we had our school immersion assembly. Every term we have an immersion assembly so that we know what we are learning about for the term.This term our topic is Survivor. This term team 5 is learning about how human in different parts of the world survived.

Team one is learning about how different animals adapt. The teachers of team 1 said that they were going to the zoo for the day to see the different animals. Mrs George did karaoke for the kids because they didn’t really have anything to tell us and the winner got a prize. For karaoke they sang Roar by Katy Perry. The winner of karaoke was Mrs King’s daughter Marika and her prize was a trip with team 1 to the zoo.

Team two are studying dinosaurs.They played a movie about dinosaurs. Miss Nalder was dressed up as a paleontologist. A Paleontologist is a person that studies dinosaurs and other animals. Miss Berry was dressed as barney and Miss Nalder picked 3 students to go and hug her.

Team three are learning about dinosaurs and making their own. The team three teachers dressed up and made up dinosaurs names. They played a movie with all of the teachers dancing.

Team four is learning about the habitats of different animals. Mr Goodwin played a movie with 5 students in it. They were all in different habitats with different animals. They had to guess where they were and what animal was behind them.

Team 5 is learning about how humans in different parts of the world survived. The teachers were acting on a show. They had to eat a plate of noodles with chopsticks and the person to eat the most won. When they started Mrs Clark quickly ate them and won. Miss Clark was the only one who knew how to use chopsticks because she was from asia. The other teachers were complaining because they didn’t know how to use chopsticks.

Monday, 21 September 2015

The Bullet

This week i have been working on the bullet. The bullet is a book that is about a brother and sister that moved neighbour hoods and schools. I thinnk that its also about making the right choices or you'll be in trouble.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Thinking Blocks

In my maths class we have been working with ratio's. This week we had to go on thinking blocks and practise our ratio's. For the past 3 weeks we have been working on this On thinking blocks there are 8 questions on every stage.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Cross Country

On the 7th of september Point England School had their yearly cross country, I was so excited. We were meant to have it on the 3rd but it got postponed because it was raining. On Monday our day was different because we had to get changed and eat at  12:15 pm so that we could start at 1:00.

The year 7 &8’s were told that we had to wear our house colours. Each student at Point England has a colour that they stay in until they leave our school. Red, Yellow, Green & Blue are all of our house colours. Everyone had to remember their colours on monday.

All of the year 5- 8s had to wait for the  year 1-4s to finish their run. When we ran we had to run in our year levels. Some of the really fast year 7’s & 8’s had to run in front of the year 1’s-4’s so they knew where to go.

This year cross country was more different and harder than  last years because last year we did 1 lap around our school field, around the reserve  once and  back to school but this year we did 2 laps. Heaps of people kept slipping over because the glass was wet and muddy.

When everyone finished their run they were all tired. I think that everyone tried their hardest. My favourite part was running in the mud because we all got dirty and it was slippery. Mostly the year 7’s & 8’s got muddy because they were sliding in the mud.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Miss Universe NZ

Yesterday afternoon 16 contestants from Miss Universe came to talk to all of the seniors about being enterprising. When they came three girls had to stay up the front to tell us about how they became entrepreneur. The three girls that talked to us were Sharne, Ella and Gabrielle. Some of the thing they said were that we can either keep dreaming while asleep or we can chase our dreams and that we should smile all the time..

After the they talked to all of the seniors the 16 girls got split up into our 5 classes. When we all went back to our classes the girls that were in room 5 had to tell us their names and gave us some ideas about how to be financially responsable. Layla, Aalimah and Karishma were the 3 girls that came to my class. Then room 5 went into 3 groups with each girl so we could ask any some questions. Some of our questions were about what they like to do. I was in layla's group and she asked us what we like to do and what thing make us happy. I think that the girls had more fun then the boys did.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Christmas Bonus

In Mrs Tele'a's maths class we do Strand every thursdays. For Strand we work out word problems and show our answers on a presentation. When we finish our answers we have to present and show the class how we worked them out.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


In Mrs Tele'a's maths class we have been learning how to use ratio's.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Design It

This morning i was working on this presintation. First i had to read the text and then answer the questions. The text i read was about desighning your own business. The text that i was reading is called Design it.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Seat Belts

In literacy i today i was working on this presintation that is about seat belts. It is also about keeping safe while your travelling somewhere. While we were reading the text we had to figure out the answers to the questions.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


This is what i have been working on this week. At the start of the term i didnt actually know how to infrence, But know i can understand it a bit more. On the last slides we had to wrtite what the word meant.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Trade & Enterprise

Monday was the first day of term 3. In the morning after we did the himene we had our Immersion assembly. Then when the school was ready the teachers of team 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 had to show what there going to learn about this term.This term we are learning about money. Out inquiry topic this term is Trade & Enterprise.

Team 1 played a video of the teachers going to the markets and buying stuff like vegetables, fruit and donuts. The teachers got big bags of chocolate money and threw them all out to the all the year 1-6's  and then they came to the seniors and threw out the rest.

Team 2 also played a video. Their video had the year 3's that went to the shop to get an ice-cream each. When there video was finished they asked questions and who ever got the right answer got an ice-cream. When the questions were done Miss Nalder said that team 2 were going to make different flavored ice-cream and maybe sell some.

Miss King was with team 3 and her helpers came up to the front with her. When they were all there Miss King asked them all what they wanted to be when they were older. After that they showed a video with the song YMCA and all the teachers in team 3 had to dance.

Team 4 did a play witch was about making the right decisions with their money. There was a boy called bob whos family was poor and three emotions that helped him. Their names were Sassy, Calm and happy. Mrs Jacobson was the story teller.

Then there was team 5. Team five also did a play. There play was about being financially responsible. When the good guys came in they were selling things. They tried some things that would suit Mr Wiseman and he really liked them. The ladies from the good guys had been trying things on Mrs Wiseman. They really wanted to buy a cool jacket that was $40 if they brought it now but they didnt have enough money. So the good guys said that they didnt have to pay right now and that they could pay it a on different day. But if they payed on different days they would have to pay $70. So Mr Wiseman said not thanks and told them to take there stuff and leave.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Accidental Plastic

In literacy my reading group has been working on accidental plastic. We had to imagine life without plastic and write all of the things down on the first slide.

Monday, 25 May 2015

New Zealand At War

Last week we were working on New Zealand at war. On the first slide we had to write the definition of each words. On this presintation I have answered the questions that were given. A lot of the answers we had to find were from different sites. on the very last slide we had to draw a picture and write about how it represents the soldiers.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Special Visitor

In the afternoon block Mr Burt came to visit the year 7 & 8's. Mr Burt came to talk  about WW1 technology. He talked about his grandfather who took part in the first world war. Mr Burt's grandfather , Harry Irwin was also Miss Flavells grandfather.

Mr But told us that his grandfather was the first man to have his own bicycle. His grandfather had a olden day bicycle. He said that there were no brakes on the bike so when you would go down a hill you will have to use your feet to stop yourself from going too fast. Women couldn't ride bikes because back in the olden days the girls wore dresses and if they lifted their leg up their underwear would show.

He talked about the word militarism. He said that in the olden days militarism was when people wanted to start fights for no reason . Well that's exactly what the British and the German were doing.

There were war between the British and the Germans. They were about how the New Zealanders made a battle ship by the the name of Dreadnought. Dreadnought was all over the newspapper in the olden days. But when the Germans saw it they decided to make a battleship that was twice as bigger and way better.They were all arguing about how they were going to destroy each others Ships.

Mr Burt told us that the soldiers went to dangerous places and how they got really bad diseases and went home and gave the disease to their children and wife. The disease caused many soldiers to die.

It was really interesting and sad when Mr Burt came and told us about everything his grandfather had been through and done.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Anzac Research

Hey did you know that me and my buddy were researching about world war 1. We were researching thing they used and thing they had to wear. The guns they had to use was a Rifle with a Bayonet at the top. They had to wear boots to protect their feet. Do you know what Gas Masks are used for? They are used to protect you so you don't die from gas bombs. Did you know that they used Grenades were used for blowing things up.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Anzac 4 August 1916

Today in zeal zone we were doing the maps of 4th of august 1916.
This Is the Site that we got our infomation from.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

My Uncle Billy's Farm

Mrs Tele'a's Uncle Billy's Farm

This week in math we have been working on uncle billy's farm.
On this presentasion there are three questions that have been answered on slide the last slide.