
Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Miss Universe NZ

Yesterday afternoon 16 contestants from Miss Universe came to talk to all of the seniors about being enterprising. When they came three girls had to stay up the front to tell us about how they became entrepreneur. The three girls that talked to us were Sharne, Ella and Gabrielle. Some of the thing they said were that we can either keep dreaming while asleep or we can chase our dreams and that we should smile all the time..

After the they talked to all of the seniors the 16 girls got split up into our 5 classes. When we all went back to our classes the girls that were in room 5 had to tell us their names and gave us some ideas about how to be financially responsable. Layla, Aalimah and Karishma were the 3 girls that came to my class. Then room 5 went into 3 groups with each girl so we could ask any some questions. Some of our questions were about what they like to do. I was in layla's group and she asked us what we like to do and what thing make us happy. I think that the girls had more fun then the boys did.

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