
Friday, 2 December 2016

Share Your Knowledge

In room 5 literacy we have been learning about science experiments, but yesterday we were figuring out ways to solve the problems we have here in our environment. My partner and I both though of idea's to solve problems we have at school and in team 5. We wrote down the problems we noticed and also how we could solve it.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Fair Testing

Next week in room 5 we will be conducting an experiment in each group to figure out what we want to find out. In each group we have to find different things to experiment. My group want to find out which drink will explode the highest by putting baking soda or vinegar in it. The drinks we are using are coca cola, diet coke, pepsi and 7up. To make sure our first results are correct or as we predicted we must do the test multiple times.
Image result for coke and vinegar


In room 3's numeracy class we have been learning about shapes. This week we had to learn all about triangles and complete a quiz by using the things we had learnt about it. This presentation shows both questions and answers from the quiz.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Fair Test

In Mrs Ilaoa's Literacy class this week we have been learning about fair testing. Our task was to make a poster about a fair test. In the poster we had to explain what a fair test is, how it is made, and what some of the main points of it.

Friday, 14 October 2016

States Of Matter

For the first week of literacy in room 5 we have been learninng about the states of matter. In reading we were given this activity to complete before the end of the week. The three main states of matter that we learnt about were solid, liquid and gas. Give three examples of each state of matter?

What’s the difference between the three states of matter?
A solid is something that is hard.
Liquid is something that is wet.
Gases give people or things air.
Write 3 sentences explaining something new you learned from this reading.
Juliet , Koula , Alizhay

Liquid: When you are holding a water bottle it gets heavy but when you drink it , gets lighter every time you drink from it , even takes up space.
Solids: Solids have weight they even take up space , but there are different kinds of solids , just like a basketball , Ice cubes and gold.
Gases: Gas is another thing that takes up space , for example air can take up space in a rugby ball.

Alizhay, Juliet, Koula- From watching the video we learnt the difference of the three matters, The three matters are liquids, solids and gases. All three matters have weight and take up space. While water is in a water bottle it weighs something and takes up space on the inside of the bottle, but if you drink the water it starts to get lighter. A solid also has weight and takes up space, Some solids can also turn into a liquid. Gas is just like the other matters they have weight and take up space, Gas is like air. Air can take up space inside something like a ball.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Sleeping Advice Column

In literacy last week we had been learning all about sleep. We have created an advice column for those that cant sleep properly. We learnt a lot of different things about sleep that we didnt already know.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Hiwi the Kiwi

Yesterday morning Pt England school had visitors from Hiwi The Kiwi. Mr and Mrs Minstrel talked to us about keeping our environment clean and keeping our birds alive. They gave posters to people who answered their questions. They taught us different songs and actions that had different meanings and tell you some things you can do. Mr Minstrel showed us a photo of his favorite type of birds and also told us that one of those bird died from eating plastic from the ocean. Mr and Mrs Minstrel had ask us if we could put our rubbish in the right place or our birds will die from the plastic.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Show Not Tell

This week in Mr Wiseman's literacy class we have been working on how to show instead of tell in the stories we write. The subject we wrote about was cross country. The part I chose was the the ending of cross country. This is the paragraph I wrote.

My nerves started growing as the finish line was in sight. I felt the burning heat in my chest as i raced past Miss Berry. My heart was pounding like the beat of a drum, My stomach twisted and turned. Finally i sprinted over the bright white line exhausted, The race was over.  

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Saia and Gabe's Trip

At the end of last term two students who attend Tamaki College came to talk to the year 7 and 8's about an opportunity that they'd been given. There names are Gabriel and Saia. They told us that they had been chosen to go to Silicon Valley in America to find out more about different places. They told us some places that they were visiting and which one they were excited about. They also got to stay in America for a whole week. 

This morning Saia and Gabriel came back to Pt England to tell us about there trip to Silicon Valley. They told us the places they visited which was Alcatraz Prison, Xero and Facebook. Also kiwi landing pad,Twitter adn Khan Academy.  They said it was a cool learning experience. 

Friday, 12 August 2016

Muscle Fatigue

This week in Mr Wiseman's literacy class we have been learning about fatigue. Muscle fatigue is when your muscles get tired from exercising.In the audio and presentation it tells you some ways that you can beat fatigue and  what our muscles need to work properly.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


In Mrs Tele'a's numeracy class we have being learning our ratio's. In our maths class we have learnt how to write and read ratio's. This is the presentation with the question we were given and our answers.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

10 Things we should say more often!

This morning in literacy we had to work on a padlet about 10 things we should say more often. On this padlet are some ideas for things that you could say often. Before we created a padlet we watched a video that was on youtube for ideas of what we could put on this padlet.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Johnny Angel Padlet

This week in room 5 literacy class we have started a new activity that is about the graphic novelist Johnny Angel. What we had to write in the padlet was the main points, ideas and images from the movie "AFI Samoan Superhero". On this padlet is some of the things that the students of room 5's literacy class came up with.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Waka Padlet

This morning in literacy our whole class had to read about our 4 waka's. After we had read it we did a padlet and write what our waka represents or means.In this padlet it shows some of the things that our class wrote about there waka.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Farewell Mrs Ilaoa

This morning while Mrs Ilaoa was on release our re-leaver Miss M and our literacy class decided to make posters for Mrs Ilaoa for when she leaves. Tomorrow is her last day but we had to finish it before she came back to class. Farewell Mrs Ilaoa, Room 5 will miss you.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Fiafia Partnership

Problem Solving

This week in my numeracy groups have been working on problem solving. We had to answer the questions then show how we worked it out. After we finished the presentation we had to teach the other groups how we did it.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


This morning in literacy my reading group and I were working on this presentation. It is about inferencing. The text that we had to read is called Haircut Lament. I have answered the questions that were given in the presentation.

Friday, 4 March 2016


This morning and yesterday morning we have been learning about re-crafting. We had to read Mrs Ilaoa's class example and make it better. To make it better we had to break the story or a paragraph, Then we had to change the boring stuff and make the story better. This is what my partners and I wrote.

I felt something tugging on my line, as I was sitting on the slippery dock. I pulled as hard as I could but the creature in the water was to strong. I thought about it for a second and looked around but there was no-one to help me.

I kept trying to pull it in but it felt like it was massive, huge and large. I kept looking around and there was still nobody around. Then i heard a loud snap and I fell back. The line had broke. I decided that I was done for the day so I packed up and left.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016


This morning and yesterday morning we have been learning working on this presentation about re-crafting. We had to read examples of stories that other people had written. First we had to break the story or a paragraph, Then we had to change the boring stuff and make the story better. To make the story better we had to use different language features to make it more interesting for the readers. In this presentation are the paragraphs that our class had changed with their partners.

Monday, 22 February 2016

The Prince who gave up everything

This week my new reading group had been working on this presentation. On this presentation there are questions that were given for us to answer. To find the answer we had to read the text and use some of the sentences from the text to prove why we had chosen the answers.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Problem Solving

Last week was team 5's first week with our new numeracy classes. Last week we were working on problem solving. Here is a presentation that my two partners and i were working on. Here in this presentation are the questions we were given to answer.

2015 Reflection

As you may know last year was 2015. My highlight of the year was getting to know the year 8 students more. One thing i enjoyed the most about 2015 was learning new things throughout the year. Another thing i enjoyed last year was our singing assembly's that we had every Friday's. My goals for this year are to do home learning and to be more confident in class.